Silver Hollow is Published!


I am so ecstatic to announce that Silver Hollow is now available on Amazon Kindle!
I’ve started an even through Goodreads HERE where you can join me in launching my first full-length novel. Over the next month I’ll be doing a giveaway, as well as publishing the print version of this book through Create Space. Thank you all so much for all your support and advice. 
See you in Wenderdowne 😉


8 thoughts on “Silver Hollow is Published!

  1. Alise! I'm so glad that you came across Silver Hollow and my blog 🙂 I'm following y'all's blog now. It has such a fun theme! If you love Alice in Wonderland and fairies then you're going to love my book. Can't wait to compare reads and chat some more. I'm off to explore your page some more :DJenn


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